Ready for more productivity and fewer "lost days" where nothing gets done???

How To Control Your Time and Be SUPER Productive In 30 Days (Or Less) So You Can Stop Watching Your Life Go By

The Guaranteed 30-day Solution To ALL your time management Problems...

The problem...

You have goals, BIG goals... But time seems to just... slip away from you. You get to the end of your day and the time is gone, but you don't have much to show for it. 

Yeah – you have resolved to be more disciplined and intentional about how you use your time, but then another day (or week) goes by and it's the same story: You have more stuff to do than you have time, and it's AWLAYS like this. 

You can't seem to get control of your schedule. 

What's worse...

You know you don't have "forever" to do things in life, but you've continually had a longer to-do list than you've had time...

... Which leads to continual frustration, because you're on the clock in this life

You're at the end of your rope when it comes to time. You've tried waking up early, staying up late, different combinations of things. Yet, there's STILL never enough time.  

And LIFE is passing you by the whole time. 

What You've Tried...

You've tried all kinds of tactics, from quick fixes you found on YouTube to copying the schedules of some people you follow online. 

You've beat yourself up over your time issues. 
Read books about it. 
Tried hyping yourself up to make wholesale changes to your daily routines and schedule. 

NONE of it has worked. And there's a reason for that... 

Where You're headed...

That stuff doesn't work because it's a bunch of random tactics, not a systematic, organized process for controlling your time. And because telling yourself to remember to do things isn't a long-term plan. 

You're on your way to a lifetime of coming up short, running out of time before you get everything done that you want to do. Always a day late and a dollar short. 

Is THAT what you want? 

the good news: there's a way to control (not "manage") your time RIGHT NOW... 

You need more than random tactics and hype.  

You need to plug into a SYSTEM for controlling your time that makes it easy, followable and simple to implement. Something that works the same way, every time, for anyone who'd committed. That's why I created 25 Hours. 

Here's just some of what you get with 25 Hours... 

You're In Control Of The Most Important Aspect Of Your LIFE Now
* Take control of your time
* Run your days and stop letting your days run YOU

You Get PAID For Your Increased Productivity
* Get more done every day
* Shine in your performance-based business

You Finally Get Your Mental & Spiritual Energy Back
* Relieve stress & anxiety
* Operate with a clear mind & conscience 

You Have More Fun (and Are More Fun To Be Around)
* Have more time for yourself 
* Live life again and not be constantly stressed

Your Performance Level DOUBLES
* Have increased energy
* Do more with your time

25 Hours: Take Back Control Of Your LIFE, Prioritize Your Days, And Eliminate Overwhelm -- Even If You SUCK At Time Management 

What's In 25 Hours: 30 days of training on taking CONTROL of your time. You'll access the entire course immediately. You'll have work to do outside the course as well. 

What's Required of You: Take detailed notes on everything, and DO the daily exercises. 25 Hours, like all my courses, is not a watch-and-leave experience. 

The Final Result: The great thing about 25 Hours is you can tangibly measure your results. Do you have more time to do what's important? Do you feel less stressed about the work on your plate? Can you see the command you now have over your time and your life? 

You will. I guarantee it. 
plus, you'll get these BONUS masterClasses... 

Just so we make sure you get EXACTLY what you need for mastering your Discipline -- enjoy these BONUS MasterClasses that will make your Discipline UNBREAKABLE...

1) Tips For Time Mastery $97 Value
2) How To Be More Efficient With Your Time $97 Value
3) Why To ALWAYS Be On Time $97 Value
4) How To Cut Your Timelines In HALF $97 Value
5) How To Slow Time Down $97 Value
6) Time: Neither Your Friend Nor Your Enemy $97 Value
7) Early Is On Time, On Time Is Late, Late Is Forgotten $97 Value
8) How To Stop Wasting Time $97 Value

Total Value Of JUST These Bonuses: $776 😮🤯

what People say about Dre's materials...
I start every day with the motivational words of Dre Baldwin. The book and podcast provides focus and a reminder of what's important right now. There are a lot of people that coach and motivate but there's something special about hearing the right message at the right time that's priceless. The icing on the cake is that this material is poetic in the sense that the gold is in the brevity. It hits you right in the heart and stands back and says now what are you prepared to do to change.

- Chris Jones
While looking for resources to help improve the confidence of my 13 year old scholar athlete son, I came across the YouTube page of Dre. I viewed several videos and almost immediately found one on in-game nervousness that on point addressed the issues that my son was struggling with on the court and off. He viewed that video and started the mental work that Dre describes in that video. Less than a week later, he had one of his best games this session. It is now routine that we as a family view a video or listen to a podcast and discuss in a positive open way. It is helping my Sports Dad husband to understand he can’t want this more. We all know this, but sometimes you need to really hear the message relayed from someone who has been down the path of an athlete. Dre is able to make a connection with athletes that are far better than a lecture from Mom and Dad. His messages truly apply to not only sports, but school and life as well.

- TJ's Mom
I purchased this book, absolutely incredible knowledge inside this book, ive been following dre Baldwin for 9 or 10 years now, through his knowledge and videos it helped me change my life 5 years ago, of course i made the decision to change, but his videos and books really made an impact on my life, so i travel the world as a professional mma and muay thai fighter training at the best gyms in the world im currently in thailand training and fighting! and also i am a entrepreneur, ive consistently listened and watched his videos for all these years and listening and applying his philosophy changed my life when i was at rock bottom in my life. I absolutely recommend this book and also any book he puts out as well as all his social media platforms and videos, truly life changing knowledge and advice! I definitely recommend you taking this book seriously!

- Austin Pierce
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Hey Dre, The reason for this email is to express my sincere appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have for your craft. I've been following you for a little over two years now. I own several books of yours and I also purchased your Bullet Proof Mindset Course. But the thing that's helped me the most is your PODCAST. I learned so much from The WOYG Podcast that it made me want to start my own. I wanted to do for others what you did for me. I wanted to for two years but I didn't! There's a bunch of excuses for why I didn't, but not a single good reason. The only thing that was in my way was me. But I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I decided to take action. I posted my 4th podcast episode yesterday.I have you to thank for that! Thank you for your content! & Thank you for helping me build up the confidence I needed to finally launch my podcast. (P.s. it's even rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcast :) )

- Flor, Podcaster
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Dre is a master of peeling back the layers to get to what's really important. This book is a real, raw, and practical guide for getting whatever it is that you want. Be prepared to leave your excuses behind and experience mega growth.

- Misty Buck, Entrepreneur & Coach
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


WORK ON YOUR GAME will help you bring discipline, confidence, and fearlessness to your work whether you're in the boardroom, a start-up garage, or the sales office. It will show you where to put the work in to get the best results, when to take chances, and how to toughen up to meet daily challenges. Baldwin's story and advice will inspire you to play your best -- no matter what your game.

- Dan Pink, NYT Bestselling Author
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Dre Baldwin is a tough, truth-telling coach who can change your game by teaching you how to work on it in the right ways. None of what he shares is easy, but all of it is smart, and if you have the guts to do the work, this book will show you the path to success.

- Nick Morgan, Bestselling Author
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Just finished book over the weekend—thanks so much for all the great info. It will be a great resource coaching at a Div 3 school---I know our best player from this season is trying to continue to play. Looking forward to sharing the info—great thoughts on mental toughness. Thanks again,

- Brad Oringer, College Basketball Coach
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Total Value $1,073
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